

&color(firebrick){&size(28){''Hajime NARUSE''};};

**Position [#gaa4ab7b]

Associate Professor at Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kyoto University

**Contact: [#f1c1faf7]

Phone: +81-75-753-4167

e-mail:	&ref(email.gif);

*Speciality [#jed40f12]
Sedimentary Geology (Sedimentology and Morphodynamics of Sediment-Gravity-Flows)

*Professional Interests [#nc804656]

**Research Interest [#p1750fcc]
My research interest is sedimentology, which is the science of erosion, transport, and deposition of sediments. Sedimentology is based on geology, fluid mechanics, and morphodynamics. Interactions and feedback processes between fluids and granular materials produce various geomorphological features on the surface of the Earth and other planets. I would like to comprehend the dynamics of these planetary surface processes quantitatively using methodologies such as field surveys and flume experiments. The objective of my research is to reconstruct paleoenvironments from geological records.

** Research Topics [#g185c913]
I am particularly interested in the following topics:
+Experimental and theoretical research of submarine channel-forming mechanisms.
+Investigation of depositional processes of sediment-gravity flows by field survey, combined with microtextural analysis of sedimentary rocks.
+Inverse analysis of turbidity currents based on the thickness and grain-size distribution of turbidites.
+Understanding the formation and development processes of tsunami-generated turbidity currents.
+Estimation of the hydraulic conditions of paleo-tsunami formation from inverse analysis of ancient tsunami deposits.
+Reconstruction of arc-arc collisional tectonics from sedimentary records.
+Quantitative modeling of bioturbation.

**Comments [#x5839f81]
I am seeking students interested in observing outcrops, geomorphological features, and sedimentary structures. Students can also design and implement analog/numerical experiments in our laboratory.

My research interest is sedimentology, and in addition to field surveys, I utilize theoretical or experimental methods based on fluid mechanics and morphodynamics. My research activity aims to construct a new framework of quantitative sedimentary geology.

My hobby is to practice Judo (third dan grade), and I am fond of reading books.

*Member of Academic Societies [#wa291f6d]

-The Geological Society of Japan

-The Sedimentological Society of Japan

-Paleontological Society of Japan

-[[SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology):http://www.sepm.org/]]

-[[International Association of Sedimentologists:http://www.iasnet.org/]]

-[[American Geophysical Union:http://www.agu.org/]]

*Professional Experience [#ob3b37da]

:20012|Associate Professor, Graduate school of Science, Kyoto University

:2007-2011|Associate Professor, Graduate school of Science, Chiba University

:2003-2007|Assistant Professor, Graduate school of Science, Kyoto University

*Education [#ya5141d0]

:2003|Ph.D. Graduate school of Science, Kyoto University

:2000|M.S. Graduate school of Science, Kyoto University

:1998|B.S. Faculty of Science, Kyoto University

*Publications [#e6a73dbf]



*Links [#l2039db0]

[[Java for Sedimentology>English/Java for Sedimentology]]

[[Laboratory of Sedimentary Geology and Genetic Stratigraphy:http://www-es.s.chiba-u.ac.jp/geolo/]]

[[Department of Earth Sciences:http://www-es.s.chiba-u.ac.jp/earth/intro_e.html]]

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